Gang, I know, it’s been a while since I made new Photoshop brushes set. It’s been a while. And, finally, again, after a long time (can’t really go back to check when exactly did I made my last commercial Photoshop brushes set), I can proudly announce yet another product from my little factory of miracles […]
Thoughts Emotions And Art
Hello again, gang! Have you every thought of something, but the thoughts were so loud that you felt like you should shout them, but if you shout them out people might think you are crazy? No? I didn’t think so. Anyways, just in case anyone ever felt like this, here is what works for me […]
Creative Approach To Business Cards Design
Gang, Despite the Facebook, LinkedIn, Internet and all that, business cards are still alive and kicking. VHS (here is the link to VHS for younger generations) did not kill the Cinema, neither did DVD. 5.1 surround systems did not kill live concerts either. Even the theater is still alive :))) We are still 5 senses human […]
Facebook Friends, Wedding Invitation Template And Stuff
Gang, A Facebook friend (Yep. we’ve got friends, these days, and we have Facebook friends, surely you’ve got a few Facebook friends yourself) of mine just told me yesterday she is getting married by the end of the year. It is a long tradition, the marriage thing, people have been doing it for, well, quite […]
Recycling, Marketing And Stickers
“Now, what do recycling, marketing and stickers have in common?” I hear you ask? A lot. Just bear with me, it will be revealed 🙂 Now, I do assume that you have several plastic garbage cans for your recycling purposes. Usually it’s one for paper, one for glass, one for plastic one for the old […]