And how about that?! I Googled a bit and it seems like I’m the only one who came up with 2009 Calendar Photoshop Brushes. So, here they are, it was not an easy task but it was worth all those sleepless hours. The results are awesome – 36 – 2009 Calendar Photoshop Brushes in 3 […]
Tag: scrapbooking
10 ways to use Photoshop brushes and make money or great gifts
So, gang, you didn’t really think that Photoshop brushes are only usable in graphic design. Oh, no! Far from it. Of course it all starts there, in Photoshop but it can end up on just about anything. It is all a matter of your imagination. So, here are another 10 ways in which to use […]
Haloween Backgrounds
Hello again gals’n’guys! It’s been a while since we had last festive, innit? Yeah, it was summer and all, sunny days, every day is celebration for itself. Now, fall is here, winter is coming, not so much sun outside so we could all use something to cheer us up. So, here comes the first one! […]
Featured Artist: Tina Chambers from Digital Scrapbook Place
I don’t know about you, but I can’t handle hot weather well! I mean, I love summer, light dresses and stuff, but I live on the top floor!!! Living under the air-conditioner is not very healthy, so I don’t turn it on very often. Next weekend, we just might escape from the city and head […]
Photoshop Floral doodle brushes
One last post from our old apartment. That really makes me happy! I work at nights here because day’s here are… un-inspiring – least to say. Can’t wait to sit on the huge terrace of our new apartment on the top of the building. Too bad the winter is coming so the joy will not […]
Halloween Photoshop brushes
Leaves are turning yellow and gold,in the shadow of a tree it’s cold,although it’s a sunny daythis year is getting old” Am I good or what?! 😛 Just kidding. But the wind blows. Fall disguised the town. A genuine Autumn. The one that includes yellow pumpkins in the field that I can not see because […]
Download Photoshop Brush: Wood Leaves
This Monday came fast. Today, here in Croatia, it’s our Independence Day. Last Friday, half of the city left their jobs earlier because people here just love the looong weekends! Also, almost everyone owns something at the coast (house, cottage, apartment…) or has someone in a family who owns something at the coast 😛 Since […]
Download Free Photoshop Brush Grass
I’m so tired today, the fog covered the city (Zagreb) and the moisture is really high. Anyway, I feel like I have to brag! My dear cousin, Davor Vrankic, the one and only Croatian artist in the Museum Of Modern Art is moving to the USA for a year or two! He is really a […]