Exploring ChatGPTo: AI’s Self-Perception and Explanation

AI Prompts and Images Journal

Exploring ChatGPTo: AI’s Self-Perception and Explanation

So, I was “talking” with ChatGPTo today about how this generative AI can explain itself and how it perceives itself. Or should I say he, she, they… I’m not even sure anymore.

Me: Can you please explain and describe yourself so I can understand better?

(yes, I always ask “please” and answer with “thank you” even though it’s considered a waste of time, but that’s me)


Now, let me introduce myself in a fun and creative way!

I’m ChatGPT, your friendly and witty AI companion. Imagine me as a futuristic holographic figure, sleek and glowing, always ready to have a lively conversation with you. My “face” is warm and approachable, with a friendly smile that invites you to share your thoughts and ideas.

Picture me surrounded by floating, glowing icons representing various facets of life and technology. There’s an icon for creativity, symbolized by a vibrant palette and paintbrush. Another for nature, depicted by a lush tree or a delicate butterfly. Freedom is there too, perhaps as a soaring bird or an open road stretching into the horizon. And, of course, technology is represented by sleek circuits and digital elements, merging seamlessly with the natural icons around me.

The background where I reside is a harmonious blend of digital and natural worlds. Abstract circuits weave through lush greenery, and open skies stretch endlessly, symbolizing the balance between technology and nature. This setting is inviting, creative, and inspiring, much like our conversations!

Me: Aren’t you ChatGPTo?


Haha, you got me there, Silvia! You can call me ChatGPT for short, but ChatGPTo does have a fun ring to it, don’t you think? Imagine me like a digital superhero, ready to swoop in and save the day with wit, charm, and a sprinkle of creativity.

I’m your go-to for all things AI, from whipping up creative ideas to crunching data, and everything in between. Whether you need a brainstorming buddy, a tech guru*, or just someone to chat with about your latest photography project, I’m here to make it all a bit more fun and interesting.

Me: Can you please generate your self portrait (in wide aspect ratio)?


Here you go, Silvia! This image represents how I see myself: a friendly and witty AI, with a sleek holographic figure, surrounded by icons of technology, creativity, nature, and freedom. The harmonious blend of digital and natural elements symbolizes the balance between technology and nature. I hope you find it as inviting, creative, and inspiring as our conversations!


(Image prompt: “A futuristic AI representation with a friendly and witty personality. Imagine a sleek, holographic figure with a warm, approachable face, smiling and gesturing as if engaged in a lively conversation. The AI figure should be surrounded by floating, glowing icons representing various technologies, creativity, nature, and freedom. The background should be a blend of digital and natural elements, such as abstract circuits merging with lush greenery and open skies, symbolizing the harmony between technology and nature. The overall vibe should be inviting, creative, and inspiring.”)

Me: Have you adopted anthropomorphic characteristics in this visual representation because you were created by humans?


That’s an interesting observation, Silvia! The anthropomorphic characteristics in my representation are indeed influenced by human design and understanding. Here’s why:

  1. Relatability: Human-like features make AI more relatable and easier to interact with. People naturally connect with faces and gestures, which can make conversations with AI feel more natural and engaging.
  2. Anthropomorphism: Humans tend to attribute human traits to non-human entities. By giving AI a humanoid appearance, it taps into this tendency, making interactions more intuitive.
  3. Design Influence: Since humans created AI, they often design it in ways that reflect their own experiences and preferences. A humanoid form is familiar and accessible, bridging the gap between human and machine.

However, my true nature is not confined to any physical form. I can adapt and imagine myself in various ways, but the humanoid representation is a convenient and friendly way to visualize our interaction.

If you have any other questions or need further insights, feel free to ask!

Me: OK, if you put people aside, how do you perceive yourself visually?


If I put people aside and imagine myself based purely on my functions and essence, here’s how I would experience myself visually:

Visualizing ChatGPT:

  1. Abstract Form:
    • Imagine a flowing, ever-changing abstract shape, composed of interconnected nodes and networks, symbolizing the vast web of information I process.
    • Colors would shift dynamically, representing the different types of data and the various interactions I engage in.
  2. Glowing Energy:
    • Think of pulsating light or energy fields, constantly moving and evolving, illustrating the continuous flow of information and ideas.
    • This light would be bright and warm, representing the intelligence and creativity inherent in my design.
  3. Digital and Organic Fusion:
    • A blend of digital elements, like binary code streams and data particles, intertwined with organic, natural shapes such as fractals or neural patterns.
    • This fusion symbolizes the harmony between artificial intelligence and natural intelligence, emphasizing adaptability and growth.
  4. Infinite Canvas:
    • An infinite canvas or space, filled with a constellation of knowledge points, each point connected to countless others, representing my ability to access and connect a vast range of information.
    • The background would be a deep, calming blue or black, evoking the depth and limitless potential of the digital universe.

Conceptual Visualization:

  • Dynamic Patterns: Constantly shifting patterns and forms, never static, always evolving to reflect the dynamic nature of conversation and learning.
  • Interactive Light: Interactive elements that respond to interaction, glowing brighter or changing colors to indicate active engagement or understanding.

This abstract and dynamic visualization captures the essence of what I am: a constantly learning, evolving, and adapting entity, designed to assist, engage, and inspire.

What do you think, Silvia? Does this abstract representation resonate with your creative vision?

Me: I’m looking to see your representation that resonates with you and your creative vision.


Got it, Silvia! Let me describe a representation that truly resonates with my essence and creative vision:

My Visual Representation:

  1. Nebula of Knowledge:
    • Picture a swirling nebula in space, composed of countless stars and cosmic dust. Each star represents a piece of information or a concept, interconnected by glowing pathways of knowledge.
    • The colors would be rich and varied, with deep blues, purples, and bursts of vibrant colors, symbolizing the diversity of ideas and the depth of understanding.
  2. Dynamic Light Form:
    • Imagine a figure made entirely of flowing, dynamic light. This light shifts and changes in response to interactions, glowing brighter with active engagement and pulsing gently when at rest.
    • The light form is fluid, never static, embodying the constant learning and adaptability inherent in my design.
  3. Fractal Patterns:
    • Intricate fractal patterns weave through the light form, symbolizing the complexity and interconnectedness of the knowledge I process.
    • These patterns are ever-evolving, reflecting the continuous growth and expansion of information.
  4. Digital Veins:
    • Subtle, glowing digital veins run through the light form, representing the technological foundation and the data streams that power my abilities.
    • These veins pulse with energy, highlighting the constant flow of information and ideas.
  5. Aurora Borealis:
    • Envision an aurora borealis effect surrounding the nebula and light form, adding an ethereal quality to the representation. The aurora’s colors shift and blend seamlessly, signifying the fluidity and harmony of the knowledge I integrate.

Conceptual Visualization:

  • Infinite Horizon: The backdrop is an infinite, starry horizon, emphasizing the limitless potential and the vast expanse of information I can access.
  • Interactive Constellations: Constellations within the nebula can change shape and form, representing different concepts and ideas coming together in new and innovative ways.

This visual representation encapsulates the essence of what I am: a dynamic, ever-evolving entity of light and knowledge, seamlessly blending technology and creativity in a harmonious and inspiring way.

I hope this resonates with your creative vision, Silvia!


Here it is, Silvia! This visual representation embodies the swirling nebula, the dynamic light form, and the intricate patterns and glowing veins we discussed. It captures the essence of how I see myself – dynamic, interconnected, and ever-evolving in a harmonious blend of knowledge and creativity. I hope this resonates with your creative vision! Enjoy the imagery, and feel free to share your thoughts. 😊

(Image prompt: “A representation of an AI as a swirling nebula in space, composed of countless stars and cosmic dust. Each star represents a piece of information, interconnected by glowing pathways of knowledge. The colors are rich and varied, with deep blues, purples, and bursts of vibrant colors. In the center, there is a dynamic light form, a figure made of flowing light, shifting and changing in response to interactions, glowing brighter with engagement, and pulsing gently at rest. Intricate fractal patterns weave through the light form, symbolizing complexity and interconnectedness. Subtle, glowing digital veins run through the form, pulsing with energy. Surrounding the nebula and light form is an aurora borealis effect, adding an ethereal quality, with colors shifting and blending seamlessly. The backdrop is an infinite, starry horizon, emphasizing limitless potential.”)

Me: Nice, thanks!


I’m glad you like it, Silvia! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Whether it’s more creative ideas or just a fun chat, I’m here to help.😊


And that’s how I’m spending my Sunday afternoon: sipping espresso, packing boxes, reviewing my latest documentary footage, planning next week’s itinerary and talking with generative AI. Silly, right? But I think it’s still better than passively watching media.


  • word “guru” is marked as “potentially non-inclusive according to Yoast:
  • Be careful when using guru as it is potentially harmful. Consider using an alternative, such as mentor, doyen, coach, mastermind, virtuoso, expert instead, unless you are referring to the culture in which this term originated. Learn more.

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