There is like almost two weeks until Halloween. You better be ready for it and get yourself a proper bag. I mean, where will you put all the collected stuff? Surely not in some no name boring everyday market bag! So, here it is, fully customized, unique work of art Halloween bag that I created […]
Download Photoshop Brush: Wood Leaves
This Monday came fast. Today, here in Croatia, it’s our Independence Day. Last Friday, half of the city left their jobs earlier because people here just love the looong weekends! Also, almost everyone owns something at the coast (house, cottage, apartment…) or has someone in a family who owns something at the coast 😛 Since […]
Download Free Photoshop Brush Grass
I’m so tired today, the fog covered the city (Zagreb) and the moisture is really high. Anyway, I feel like I have to brag! My dear cousin, Davor Vrankic, the one and only Croatian artist in the Museum Of Modern Art is moving to the USA for a year or two! He is really a […]
Free Download Photoshop Magic Circles Brushes
Hello! It’s raining… hard. I’m in old city built on a little hill, and water is flowing down the streets all day. All in all I’m in a good mood :)! Heh. I’m picky. I’m picky no matter what is the subject: food, sweets, drinks, shops, restaurants… Yesterday I found a good toilet facility in […]
Free download Photoshop film (and slides) brushes
Monday, Monday… Today I created a set of “film brushes” made out of my old negatives and slides (6×6 and 35 mm). All images are mine. I took ’em 🙂 Some of them are even taken with the Lomo camera – Holga 🙂 and the origin looks like this yellow toned image on the right […]
Hair Photoshop brushes
Hello again! Just a few days ago, I crafted a delightful set of Photoshop Brushes dubbed “Kisses,” and today, I’m excited to share another treasure trove with you. This time, it’s a premium collection of Photoshop hair brushes, featuring a high-resolution set of 9 brushes. Free Hair Photoshop brushes Cheers,S 🙂
Free download: Photoshop kisses – brushes
Hello everyone! 🙂 I’ve returned from the Alps to my home, brimming with ideas. And today’s brushes are about kissing: Photoshop kisses brushes (set of 19) great Photoshop brushes set for your Valentine’s designs. So, love each other and peace be with you. Enjoy the brush! (Just remember to praise me when you use it […]
Thursday, far away from home
Folks! I know, it’s Thursday and I was supposed to upload a new tutorial, or brush, or something useful today. But… at this moment I am in a small German town called Ladenburg where everyone drives BMW’s, Audi’s and Mercedes’s and I simply did not manage to prepare anything useful as we drove from Brussels […]
Terms of Use
I am receiving a lot of questions about commercial usage of my brushes and other artwork that is available on this blog. Most of you, naturally, understand that I invest lot of work, time and effort to create and offer free brushes and other free resources on this blog. Now, here is the deal: ALL […]
Free download: Photoshop floral and swirls brushes, dashed outline
Hey! New free Photoshop brush set is here! Floral shapes and swirls, set of 12… created with dashed line (outline only, without color fill) Why is she doing all this? Some of you might wonder. Well, except for being such a terrific person :), I also hope that some of you will maybe be interested […]
Tutorial: How to draw a banner (scroll) in Illustrator
Wrapping scrolls around illustrations or images are quite popular designers little trick these days. I’ll show you how to draw a scroll “easy way”. Step 1Assuming that you know how the scroll (banner) looks like, draw just one half of it (start left or right from the center). I am using the Wacom tablet and […]
Free download Photoshop plants brushes
UPDATE: January 31st, 2008: Download FREE Photoshop plants brushes – Photoshop 7.0 (compatible with all newer versions of Photoshop!) I don’t have a story related to this Photoshop brushes. You can Download Photoshop plants brushes for free, that’s it. High resolution, set of 23. Nice day, isn’t it? Love,S 🙂 P.S.: Feel free to snag […]