Recycling, Marketing And Stickers

“Now, what do recycling, marketing and stickers have in common?” I hear you ask? A lot. Just bear with me, it will be revealed 🙂

Now, I do assume that you have several plastic garbage cans for your recycling purposes. Usually it’s one for paper, one for glass, one for plastic  one for the old hubby … sorry :)) naughty me.

Well, anyways, one for the rest of the stuff. So, I don’t know about you but, I keep my recycling bins in the backyard, and well, you guessed, none of them has a sticker on it. Because, I should know where to put what kind of waste. But, I am old (not really but I like to say that I am old cause I love to hear “No, you’re not!”  I  heard that more and more rarely as time passes :))) So, I tend to forget where is what  yada … yada … yada and there are three plastic cans outside with everything in them being mixed up. Plastic, metal cans, glass, hubby (Ops! I did it again ;)) … So, well, being a designer and all, I decided a while ago that I will design my own recycling bin stickers.

Now, opening Photoshop and designing a sticker is one thing, but printing it out is another. Using my ink-jet printer for these purposes was out of the question so I took a look at what’s offered on the net. There are quite a few sites out there offering online sticker printing and on PrintRunner.Com they had a coupon on their site.

But then, I realized that the minimum order to purchase is 250 stickers. Of each. Now, what do I do with 250 stickers? This is when a stroke of genius hit me! (And, if you did not know, The stroke of genius strikes later in life today, it’s scientifically proven)  I will market my site with it! And you can market your site, or your business, or idea, or your business idea, well, too! I will just give away the rest of the stickers as a part of my promotion material. No problem there. Many will use it. And if I just add “This sticker is sponsored by” – voila! There you have it! Permanent promotion. It could even be used for some good old-fashioned guerrilla marketing too ;))

Recycling, Marketing Tip And Stickers Recycling, Marketing Tip And StickersRecycling, Marketing Tip And Stickers
Recycling, Marketing Tip And StickersRecycling, Marketing Tip And Stickers Recycling, Marketing Tip And Stickers

And, well, this is how it goes, I downloaded the sticker .psd template from PrintRunner.Com, designed my stickers and, on the top of it, I share it here as a free download (6 zipped JPG files).

Now, when it comes to PrintRunners.Com once you order the stickers will be delivered withing three days. Well, if I waited for so long to make them, three more days will not make any difference.

Anyways, this is all about this topic. I hope you enjoyed the article and that you will enjoy your downloads. You can just remove the address of my blog  from the sticker, put yours and  – voila, there goes your attention grabber 🙂

Have fun guys! Talk soon!


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