Grow Your Own Food – Workshop Flyer Design

Grow Your Own Food - Workshop Flyer Design
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Grow Your Own Food – Workshop Flyer Design


I am all for organic food! And I hope you are too. Now, with all these GM (genetically modified), barely tested, laboratory produced food they are bombing us with it is getting more and more difficult to be sure if the food we buy is GM or is it organic.

OK. Now the good news! The good news is, believe it or not, you can grow your own food. ;P Even in the city. Even on your own balcony. Ladies and gentleman, I proudly present you

Urban agriculture

Now, let’s see how Wikipedia defines urban agriculture: “Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in, or around, a village, town or city.” So, what’s happening, generally, is that people, communities in the cities are organizing themselves, occupying building tops or unused public space to produce healthy organic food for themselves.

And this is a worldwide movement too. Chicago, NY, Amsterdam, UK, China, Cuba (has more than 33000 urban farms), Canada (preparing laws to help commercial urban farming) … it’s coming up everywhere and I bet that there is a similar community where you live too or if there isn’t, you can still start your own garden on your own balcony. If you live in the city, fresh and affordable food is almost impossible. Almost, because, if you grow it your self, then, suddenly it becomes possible.

Now, what does it all have to do with graphics and design? I hear you ask. Well, a lot. Although I moved from the city to live in the country so for me it is not a problem, I totally want to help and support organic food production in the cities.

So, for this post I prepared a flyer which promotes an urban farming workshop.

“Even if you live in the city and have nothing more than a balcony

You too can eat fresh and healthy, organic food

Join us for the 


In the GreenCity, The Onion Street 77, 6PM

And enter the magical world of urban farming

Duration of the workshop: 2 hours + Q&A’S”

So, if you know anyone who prepares such workshops or if you would like to create flyers which promote urban farming, urban agriculture and organic food production –  feel free to download this flyer.

Grow Your Own Food - Workshop Flyer Design

Grow Your Own Food - Workshop Flyer Design

I prepared this 6×4 Diecut Leaf flyer on Photoshop file setup template from which offers flyer printing too.

You don’t need to worry about the copyrights (everyone’s talking about ACTA these days and I plan on to dedicating a post to this topic too) because the images are mine, copy is mine and I give it all away for free.

Creative Commons License
Urban Farming Flyer by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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