Happy Halloween – iPhone Skin/Wallpaper Designs w/Photoshop brushes

iPhone Skin Designs, Happy Halloween 2011 using Photoshop brushes
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Happy Halloween – iPhone Skin/Wallpaper Designs w/Photoshop brushes

Man, who’d ever say … Halloween is knocking on the door. Just as iPhone 4S is too. So, the idea for this post was no brainer really.

Ladies and gentleman, iPhone 3/4/4s present and future owners, today I proudly present you:

1. Happy Halloween Wallpaper design

2. Happy Halloween Custom Skin Design (iPhone case)

Of course, all of them are made with Photoshop brushes.

If you are a lucky iPhone 4/4S owner and you want to have the Happy Halloween skin please note that there are two files: 1. one for front and 2. one for back.

For iPhone 3 has only one file, basically the same as iPhone 4 for back.

Now, to get these skins, you will need to:

  1. Download the files
  2. Upload them at GelaSkins: Personalize your iPhone with removable protection from GelaSkins. Choose images from 100’s of great artists or upload your own designs!
  3. Get them delivered to your door

The prices at GelaSkins are not too high, a skin with your own custom design (like the one from this post) $14.95.

The download is, of course, free.

Here’s the preview of iPhone 4/4S:

iPhone Skin Designs, Happy Halloween 2011 using Photoshop brushes

Here’s a preview for iPhone 3

iPhone Skin Designs, Happy Halloween 2011 using Photoshop brushes

Download iPhone Halloween Custom skin designs (iPhone 3/4/4s) here 

Files are 6×8 inches @300dpi (print ready too), so you can use them in Halloween invitations too, or anything else. They come with commercial use license too!

Download iPhone Halloween Wallpaper (iPhone 3/4/4s) here (save file as… or save image as… or save as…)

Halloween Wallpaper (iPhone 3/4/4s)

Now, for those of you who’d like to make designs like this themselves, here is a hint:

iPhone Skin Designs, Happy Halloween 2011 using Photoshop brushes

So, I guess, if you enroll to GBG membership, you can get all of those and, well, hundreds and hundreds more Photoshop brushes with commercial license.

I hope you liked this post. Even if you don’t have an iPhone yourself and don’t plan on getting one, maybe this is a good idea for a present? Anyways, I will leave this to you to decide. In the meantime, check out my Commercial Photoshop brushes shop and see if you can find something for your commercial projects.

Love, hugs and kisses!

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