Photo Manipulation Art Chat – Timothy Grass

And this time we spoke – freedom.

As many of you already know, one of my favorite activities in my free time is discovering artworks that talks to me.

So, I already had a little chat with The Beginning, by Michael Vincent Manalo, Hurry Up Alice, by Kasia Derwinska and Bright Future, by Kasia Derwinska. And it was fun.

This morning, I was on my “hunt” for chatty art again and run into a picture which resembled something I had in my head for ages – an isolated shack in the field near the woods, surrounded by high grass… or sometimes snow and this, this photo manipulation felt familiar.

You know, I tend to believe that discovering new artwork is just like meeting new people. Sometimes, when we meet someone new, we can’t help the feeling we already met that person before. He or she, they just look so familiar. But you both know you never met them before. At least not in this time/space reality.

Same can happen with art. You meet a piece of art you’ve never seen before and yet you talk to each other just like long lost friends.

So, without further ado, ladies and gentleman, let me present you Timothy Grass by Katherine Dilworth.

Timothy Grass by Katherine Dilworth, Photo Manipulation
Timothy Grass by Katherine Dilworth

Now, looking at this artwork, what does it say to me?

It says one word – freedom and here us how: similar scene has been popping up in my head for many years already and I just see and feel and know what it’s like to live in a place like this. And I love it. It just feels – freedom.

OK. And what else?


First of all this is a place where you’re left alone. No one around. There is a house in a distance, but those guys living there prefer being left alone too. So, it’s cool.


Next thing is – time. You have all the time in the world. To do what you enjoy doing or just not do anything, meditate as much as you like for instance.


Then, sounds. What kind of sounds would you expect in a place like this? Just wind and birds. Yes, that’s it. Just wind and and birds.


Then, smell. What would the air smell like? Like grass. Maybe like woods.

So what more can one desire?

You get all your time just for you, surrounded by sounds of nothing but wind and birds smelling just fields of grass and woods.

Yep. This is what this image told me and I love it for that.

And here goes one more similar image that I liked. OK. Loved!

Winter Solitude by Dominique Dubied (Photography)

Did you like this artwork as well? Do have any favorite pieces of art you’d like to share? Share it in the comments section. Let’s exchange thoughts on art. Why? Because art is here to enrich our lives. To remind us that it’s not all about survival in this material world we live in. There is another, subtle dimension of us which needs our attention too. And when we give it our attention – we always get rewarded with feelings of peace, love and happiness.

Love you all guys!

Enjoy art, create art, spread love.




When it comes to creating your own artwork, I have a little helpers in my Etsy shop so please feel free to visit and see if there’s anything you like there. And speaking about the grass 🙂 take a look at Grass Photoshop brushes set, free set that could help you when editing photos.

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