Tag: photoshop brushes tutorial


Photoshop Brushes in Action: Bride&Groom – how it’s done

OK Gang! First, I need to apologize for not writing for so long. Mea culpa. Was away for a while. So, for those of you who wanted to find out was the graphic from the previous post done – here it is. OK. But, first, let me show you another version of the same graphic […]


How to Install and Use Brushes in Photoshop (basics+video)

During the last few days I received a number of questions on installation and usage of the Photoshop brushes. So, here is a short tutorial on installation and usage 🙂 Please note: This tutorial is made on a PC. Since all Photoshop Brushes are Mac compatible, the procedure to install them onto Mac is similar. […]

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