As always, for those of you who are not interested in reading my yada-yadas, the download link to free Photoshop brushes is at the bottom of this post.
And for those of you who’d like to stick around. Well, thank you 🙂
So, what is this blog post all about. It is about Duran Duran, Magritte, dreams memories and of course, free Photoshop brushes. Now, let’s start with Duran Duran.
No, I am not much of a Duran Duran fan but this song just constantly plays in my head. And why? Well, because of the following lyrics:
Would someone please explain
The reason for this strange behavior?
And why is this?
Well, I barely made few posts for this whole year and all of a sudden I end up making one brush set per day. What is happening to me? So, that’s why these lyrics 🙂 Can someone please explain the reason for this strange behaviour?
Middle age crisis? Age crisis? Crisis? Sudden hit of creativity? Did Muses decide to torture me because I did not try to do much for so long? Wel, whatever it is, I like it. So far.
So, how did it come to todays brushes, which are, you already guessed, called The Happy Clouds? (Hey! This sounds like a name for a band. Maybe there is a band with that name? I’ll have to talk to Google about this.)
Well, last night I just dreamt these clouds. Believe it or not. They just popped up, out of nowhere (which is pretty common occasion when we dream, things tend to just pop-up, well, out of nowhere). So, they came over and just hanged around. Kinda liked them. Can’t say, or explain, how did I know they were happy, but in dreams, I guess, anything is possible. And people as we are, we tend to be happy when someone else, happy is around (or at least that is the way it should be), so they made me happy too and we were like – one happy family, consisting of clouds and me. And this family is about to get bigger! How? Well, that’s where you come in! If the free download of my latest Photoshop brushes will make you happy, then well, you see, the family of happy just got bigger 🙂
Hey, which reminds me! Did you know who else liked clouds? Liked to paint them? Magritte! René Magritte! Belgian surrealists, painter and a great artist. Love him!
Here is one of his paintings:

I was in Bruxelles a few years ago. Let me check if I still have some photos.
[searching …. searching …. ]

I know, you’d say “Clouds they bring rain.”
Well, first of all, don’t we ll need rain? Sure we do. However, my clouds are not bringing rain, in my dream they were bringing happiness! So, when I woke up I just knew that I need to share this with you guys. Not just because happiness is always bigger when it’s shared, but also because I had this strong graphic images in my head and I just had to take them out in this world.
So, my dear reader, visitor and unknown friend, I hope you will like what I’m just about to present here. I hope you will like the
Happy Clouds, Photoshop Brushes set – Free!
Of course, as always, there is a free version which I hope all you will like and which is available for immediate download down here, but the members of my Green Bulb Platinum Gang, as always, get special treatment. They get full pack with theree different sizes of each brush to cover the whole variety of different applications from web to print (we all know how it is not good to strech or compact brushes more than 20% or so).
So, free pack includes 7 brushes and separated objects for easier coloring, that makes total of 23 brushes. Sizes vary between 163 and 360 pixels.
And a PREMIUM version for GBG Platinum members includes three sizes (up to 2041 pix) AND 7 EPS files (vector files) of happy clouds so you really don’t have any limits or constraings when it comes on how or where to use them.
As always, here is a little preview of the brushes:
Free Photoshop brushes Happy Clouds can be downloaded here:
And the full version comes as a standard offer for GBG Platinum Members ->
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