10 Million Views with Photos on Google Maps, Pinterest and Documentary

photos on Google Maps

10 Million Views with Photos on Google Maps, Pinterest and Documentary

Exciting Journey to 10 Million Views with Photos on Google Maps

Little over two weeks ago, I was thrilled to see my Pinterest account surpass 1 million views. Woohoo! You can check out my Pinterest page here. But wait for it, last week I broke the 2 million views milestone! That’s a cause for celebration if you ask me. 🎉

Am I rolling in money from all that attention? Nah. Am I getting the same traffic to this website? Nope. But do I have time to complain? Definitely not! Why? Because I’ve got something even more exciting up my sleeve.

A Documentary in the Making

I’m working on my first-ever documentary and loving every moment of it! I’ve been toying with the idea for a while now, and the time is finally here to bring it to life. So far I have only filmed my travels and I’ve collected tons of footage of me driving around in my car and riding public transportation. Intrigued? You can see my travel adventures on my YouTube channel. Hop on and enjoy the ride!

10 Million Views on Google Maps? Heck Yes!

Speaking of travel and driving, about two weeks ago, I hit a significant milestone on Google Maps – 10 million views on my photos! 🎯 Yaaay! A whole new level unlocked, right?

Now, before you ask, nope, I’m not making money from those views either. And I’m not exactly driving traffic to this website through them. LOL. But it’s still a pretty cool achievement in my book.

How My Photos Help People and How Yours Can Too

What really keeps me sharing photos on Google Maps is knowing they help others find what they’re looking for and give them a glimpse of places they might want to visit. It’s like being a digital tour guide! So, how can you make the most out of your own photos on Google Maps? Here are some tips:

  1. Capture Landmarks & Local Gems
    Focus on popular spots as well as hidden treasures. People love discovering the nooks and crannies of a city.
  2. Upload High-Quality Images
    Crisp, clear photos stand out and provide valuable insights to viewers.
  3. Add Useful Descriptions
    Include short, helpful descriptions of what the photo is about, like “Street Art on Elm Street” or “Cozy Café on 5th Ave.”
  4. Stay Consistent
    Regular uploads can boost your visibility and engagement.
  5. Engage with the Community
    Respond to comments and questions to keep people coming back to your photos.

My Secret Weapon: Enthusiasm & Fun

The best part about sharing photos on Google Maps is how much fun I have doing it! My enthusiasm shines through in every shot, whether it’s a quirky alleyway mural or a charming tram stop. I love capturing the world through my lens (DSLR, Mirrorless, analogue or mobile phone), and I’m so happy people around the globe enjoy it too.

A Quick Shoutout to My Other Creative Outlets

While you’re here, why not check out my Premium content or visit my FiveCatsGraphics Etsy shop? You might just find the perfect digital illustration or graphic design asset to jazz up your next project.

So there you have it – my journey to 10 million views with photos on Google Maps. It’s been a wild ride, but it’s far from over. I can’t wait to see where my love for capturing the world one snap at a time takes me next. Remember, have fun creating and keep exploring. Who knows, maybe you’ll hit your own milestones on Google Maps too!

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