Cats, iPhone Cases – And A Few Words About Happiness

Cat iPhone cases
Applied Arts

Cats, iPhone Cases – And A Few Words About Happiness

I had this interesting conversation with my hubby the other day. About the nature of happiness. I know, it is a topic as old as humanity, loads of books have been written about it, but really, ask yourself one simple question: “What events, in your life, trigger the feelings of joy and happiness?”

There is more than one “trigger for happiness” for each of us, that’s for sure. Most of them are related to events linked to people or events that we have little or no control of. However, without an ambition to turn this post into another scientific paper on happiness I will just stick to something that works for me. (And possibly for many of you too.)

One of the scenarios for happiness in my life goes like this:

I have this idea in my head about something that needs to be created. Then I work hard to make it. Once it’s done, if it looks good – I am happy. Simple as that. Set a goal, work hard to get there. Observe the feeling of happiness growing inside of you. 🙂

By now, you guessed, once these graphics of my cats were done, I felt really good. I liked them so much that I wanted to have them on a case for my iPhone.

And, voila!

Cat iPhone cases

Cat iPhone cases

Using Facebook photo effects and photos of my cats 🙂

Love cats, smartphone cases and skins, Myratz

Cat iPhone cases

Cat, smartphone cases and skins, Poofah

Cat iPhone cases

Cat Smartphone Cases & Skins – Myratz

Cat iPhone cases

So, basically, I took these pictures a while ago. Probably months. But just never took the time to vectorize them and make them into the smartphone covers. Now, I finally did it and am very pleased with the results. I hope you like them too! So, if there’s anything you’ve been planing to do for quite some tim already, stop delaying it. Get to it now. Make it look good and enjoy the feeling of happiness! Happiness is free!

Love you all,




Check these too:

10 Cute Smartphone Cases with Cat Illustrations

10 Cute Smartphone Cases with Cat Illustrations

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