Finally! Finest Floral Photoshop Brushes I’ve Ever Seen

Finest Floral Photoshop Brushes
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Finally! Finest Floral Photoshop Brushes I’ve Ever Seen

I know. It sounds a bit like bragging but, believe me, once you see them, you’ll most probably think the same. And here is why.

These are the brushes I announced week ago. It took almost a month to complete them! And here is a short description of the work involved to get them done:

  1. These were first drawn by hand on Wacom tablet.
  2. These images were then manually traced and re-drawn in in Adobe Illustrator (there is no such tracing software that can replace good old manual work)
  3. Then were they converted to HiRes (2400px) Photoshop brushes
  4. To be presented to you 🙂

I receive many emails where you praise the quality of my brushes. Thank you. This quality, becomes especially obvious when you zoom in and check the shape edges. They’re fine, smooth edges. Thank you for your emails, these come as a reassurance that I am on the right course even if it takes so much time to produce them. And the procedure above explains how much work is involved. Especially all of you who use vector programs like Adobe Illustrator, you can understand how much work and effort does it take to make such a complex shape, not to mention 16 of them. But still, converting them to vectors and then exporting them is the only way to get real high quality brushes.

And why is this high resolution so important? It is too important when you need to use them on large images, on images that will be printed, or even on small images with a big brush shape or images that will contain just a part of the brush shape. Generally, it is too important when you want your work to look decent.

OK. I guess, by now, it’s quite clear that I am proud of this new set. I am proud and I am happy that I finally finished them. So, here they are. Full shapes (16) and elements (104) that you can use to create your own shapes.

Finest Floral Photoshop Brushes

Finest Floral Photoshop Brushes


And here is the real deal – PREMIUM Edition, set of 120 Fine Floral Swirls. 16 full floral shapes and 104 shape elements so that you can combine them and make your own floral swirls.

And believe me this set will blow your socks off!!! 120 of highest quality of finest Floral Swirls shapes, for, can you imagine – available for a free download. Of course, commercial license is included so you can use them, hassle free, in your commercial projects!

Have fun creating!

This Photoshop brushes set is compatible with Photoshop 7.0, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4 and new versions.

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6 thoughts on “Finally! Finest Floral Photoshop Brushes I’ve Ever Seen

  1. Pingback: Glitter Girl
  2. Pingback: Glitter Girl
  3. Hi Silvia!

    I’m glad you saw my two posts using your PS Brushes. I just love your brushes. I have a question for you on two of your latest offers. Last year, I think it was late August, I purchased your Premium PS Brush Package at 50 percent off. I was wondering if your latest Floral Swirls package is different than the one included in your 08/08 sale package because it looks different. One other thing, and this just makes me feel silly. I could swear I just saw a new “Swirls” package of PS Brushes here on your site, but I went buy it so fast, I can’t find it again. Did I imagine that I saw a new swirls pack or have you designed a new one. Let me know, because you’ve wet my taste buds again!

    Hugs, Julie 😀

  4. Hi Julie!
    Oh, yes – latest Finest Floral Swirls PS Brushes set (120) is different than Floral Swirls PS Brushes set (42) !
    As a MEGA set buyer you can use the coupon code to get 50% discount for all of my future Photoshop brushes.
    Please note that this code applies only to Photoshop brushes and not to vectors or other products.

    … I sent you an email with more details! 🙂


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