Tag: decorative

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New Photoshop Brushes Floral Ornaments -Art Nouveau and Amazed Little Kitten

Gang! Before I present you with my new Photoshop brushes, I just have to share this with you:Here I am, getting ready to finish my work but just can’t keep my eyes of Poofitzah. The level if interest she shows in most trivial things is amazing. I mean, how much fun can one have with […]

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Photoshop 7.0 brushes, scrapbooking and how-to’s

So, you would like to print your own scrapbook that will be cool, unique and… huh, cool? How would you like to make some cool graphics, merge them with some photos and print out as a scrapbook that will always remind you of some people or events? Do you just feel you can’t afford to […]

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