Using Photoshop brushes in digital scrapping

Party Scrapbook Kit Little Birdie Told Me
Journal2 Comments on Using Photoshop brushes in digital scrapping

Using Photoshop brushes in digital scrapping

Guys! I am always so happy and delighted to receive your emails and messages of ecouragement when needed.

Using Photoshop Brushes

And when these emails come with the attachment of the work you did with my brushes – the happiness is even bigger!

These are the things that give sense to all that I do all day (and, more often than not – all night too :))

Today was one of these days when you made my day (rather odd sentence construction but I’ll let it be 🙂

Today, I received and email from Vicki Robinson. I’ve known Vicki for quite some time as she is one of the active members on our Graphics-Illustrations Facebook community and a long time follower and supporter of the Graphics-Illustrations.Com blog. Also, Vicki is running her own blog on: which is fabulous!

Here is what Vicki said.

Hi Silvia –

Just wanted to tell you again how much I love your brushes. I’ve been digital scrapping for a couple of years now and have decided to try my hand at designing. I’m still learning, but thought you might enjoy seeing a little printable party pack I’ve completed using the Bird brushes. I had a blast making it!

Thanks again for all you do – your work is just fabulous!


And here is the Party Pack she created:

A Little Birdie Told Me Party Pack

Thank you, Vicki, for showing us what you did with Photoshop brushes. As I said these things make my day!

I wish you the best of success with digital scrapping, your work is great and I am sure many will agree with me. Don’t ever hesitate to send me more of your work as I will be glad to present it on Graphics-Illustrations.Com blog.

This is, also, a call for all of you who create stuff with Graphics-Illustrations.Com, show me what you did and I will be glad to feature it on this blog.

Gang, I don’t want to take up any more of your Sunday. I am sure you will enjoy Vicki’s work, stay cool and enjoy this Sunday to it’s fullest!



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2 thoughts on “Using Photoshop brushes in digital scrapping

  1. Pingback: Photoshop brushes: Free and Commercial use | Party Digital … |

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