Tag: tote bag

Photoshop Brushes

Say NO to plastic bags!

We all need to be aware of environmental issues. And we can all help no matter what we do for living. So, even I, a Photoshop brushes designer, can use my work to promote green ideas. I received that email the other day. It was a PowerPoint presentation showing how much damage plastic bags are […]

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10 ways to use Photoshop brushes and make money or great gifts

So, gang, you didn’t really think that Photoshop brushes are only usable in graphic design. Oh, no! Far from it. Of course it all starts there, in Photoshop but it can end up on just about anything. It is all a matter of your imagination. So, here are another 10 ways in which to use […]

Image Gallery

Get Inspired by Paisley Designs – New Tote Bag

Inspirational! That’s what I’ve got to say about Paisley Designs. Just could not help it. Went over to CafePress and made myself a bag. A tote bag. I have this feeling that anything I do with Paisleys just looks good. Am I bragging? You tell me :)) Want free Paisley Designs? Love,Silvia P.S.: Just yesterday, […]

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