Tag: photoshop elements brushes

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Photoshop Brushes in Your Twitter Theme Design

Hi Gang,Two days ago we had a sample of using Photoshop brushes in Wedding Photo Book (or alblum). Now, here is something different – a little something for all of you Twitter users. I hope you will like these two themes I prepared for you guys and if you have a Twitter account,  lets meet […]

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February 2010 Desktop Wallpaper Calendar

Last night I dreamt that my cat Poofah whispered to my ear:“Make the February Calendar Desktop Wallpaper… make the February Calendar Desktop Wallpaper… “I opened my eyes. Poofah was sitting on my pillow. Starring at me. In silence. Her yellow eyes were glittering in the dark. Just a distant howling of the lone wolf. Owl […]

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New Photoshop Brushes set: Christmas Photo Masks (by bsilvia) and a Competition

Christmas is coming and we just can’t have enough of these little helpers which we need to make creative Christmas graphics. In this post, my dear GBG-ers, and visitors, I present you a brand new Photoshop brushes set + transparent PNG files Christmas Photo Masks As you probably guessed, the image above (yes, that’s Mirta:)) […]

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