So, gang, you didn’t really think that Photoshop brushes are only usable in graphic design. Oh, no! Far from it. Of course it all starts there, in Photoshop but it can end up on just about anything. It is all a matter of your imagination. So, here are another 10 ways in which to use […]
Tag: decoration
New Photoshop Brushes Floral Ornaments -Art Nouveau and Amazed Little Kitten
Gang! Before I present you with my new Photoshop brushes, I just have to share this with you:Here I am, getting ready to finish my work but just can’t keep my eyes of Poofitzah. The level if interest she shows in most trivial things is amazing. I mean, how much fun can one have with […]
The value of time
I was just sitting at the terrace the other day, enjoying the quiet afternoon when distant vibrant of the church bells reminded me on one thing that none of us can buy. Time. We all need time and the time must be the most precious gift that we were given. We need to be careful […]
Swirls and Circles Photoshop Brushes Set
Yeehaa! Here it is! New Photoshop brushes set: Swirls and Circles (7 high res brushes) and, again, it’s free! Look at this beauty! 😉 Preview: P.S.And please, please, don’t let those free downloads stop you from taking a peek at my Etsy shop.