I know. My last blog post was somehow “unfit” for the topic of this site. It was about the ways our perception works. It was an attempt to try and understand this experience we’re going through and which we call – life. Didn’t have much to do with graphics and illustrations, I know. Some of […]
How Come Different People Perceive The Same Things Differently
It’s true, isn’t it? You have these two guys, living their lives in absolutely the same conditions, say – neighbors, same age, going to same schools, being if the same material status, same health … and still, one guy will see life as hell and the other one will see it as a gift full […]
Winter Is Coming. Therefore – Snow Photo Overlays
Last winter, on one really snowy day, I kinda felt like going outside and take some “snowy” pictures. So, I put on some warm clothes, mounted my favorite lens on my trustful camera and went out for some “photo hunting”. This kind of weather can offer some nice photo opportunities so, well, I wasn’t gonna […]
On Self-Esteem, Halloween and a Fresh GBG eZine
Ok. So, where do I start? I guess I’d like to start on self-esteem? Why? Because I was reading this book (Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath). And at one point it mentioned the Maslow’s Pyramid (If you haven’t heard of Maslows Pyramide here is a brief summary. Quite interesting.) Now, if you […]
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
So, thanks to my frustration about the blurry thumbnails on my product page (generated by WooCommerce) and due to the fact that I shared my frustration in the blog post, I found out that there are more than 2 followers of my blog. So, thank you Lisa for your email. Thank you Kim. Sue, thanks […]
Mystery Of Blurred Thumbnails Turns Out Not To Be Mystery At All
** Update – The WooCommerce generated thumbnails have been removed in the meantime. At this point I am looking for a way to change the layout of the product page so that this huge white space in the middle of the screen is gone ** At first, I was frustrated. Then, almost angry. Then miserable. […]
Gold and Silver Stars In A Night Sky [HiRes Backgrounds]
Yes, I did not sleep much last night and yes – a brand new product in Premium Content area is what I have to show for the sleepless night. So, ladies and gentleman, I am proud to present you with a latest add on to the bsilvia collection of assets for designers, visual artists, scrapbook […]
How To Overlay Your Day With Hearts [In Photoshop And A Real Life]
In this blog post I talk about the art of adding flavors to our lives and our visual creations. I also present my pack of 155 Hearts Overlays which I use for the same purpose. I hope you will enjoy the read. Just imagine if your day was a plate. Every morning we are all […]
Why Artisans Provide Superior Customer Support?
This blog post was inspired with the email I got last Sunday morning. One of my customers sent me an email describing the problem she had with printing .png files from Microsoft Word. It turned out that Word was printing out just blank pages. The coincidence was there were my .png files inside the document […]
A Visit To Verdun (France) And Some Thoughts On Peace, Luck and Happiness
In this blog post I discuss (with myself, mostly) about the peace and how much of everything we really need to be happy. One of the advantages of living in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is that you can get to Belgium or Germany or France in less than one hour. And that’s from any […]
Breath Of Freedom
“Modern age has been stealing my time away from me. Now I’m stealing it back.” Today, I will write about the importance of being a rebel. At least occasionally. The importance of taking the time for your self. “Stealing” your own time back. “I’m gonna take the day off from my daily duties.” Sounds like […]
Bokeh Photo Overlays for Photographers [Pack of 60]
I know, I wrote about bokeh recently. Well, what can say? I find them so interesting and inspiring that I just couldn’t help my self. And I know you love this effect too. If not yet, well, you are just about to 🙂 So, my dear visitors, ladies, gentleman, today, on this rainy Wednesday, 3rd […]